U.S. meeting on Huawei, China policy still on for Thursday despite Trump tweets

By Administrator_India,

Capital Sands

A meeting of U.S. government officials to discuss further curbs on exports to Huawei and China is still on for Thursday, two sources said, despite push back from President Donald Trump against the restrictions.

The deputy-level meeting was called to discuss proposals including possible new restrictions on sales of chips made abroad to China’s blacklisted Huawei Technologies, a maker of telecommunications equipment, and on sales of airplane components to a Chinese aircraft maker.

Policymakers have been sharply divided ahead of a cabinet-level meeting scheduled for Feb. 28, with some officials favoring a tough line on Huawei and China while others are more focused on prioritizing trade ties with Beijing.

In a series of tweets and comments to reporters, Trump said national security concerns, often cited as the reason for U.S. curbs on Huawei, should not be used as an excuse to make it difficult for foreign countries to buy U.S. products.

The president’s comments came after weekend reports, the government was considering whether to stop General Electric Co (GE) from further supplying engines for a new Chinese passenger jet.

Trump also took aim at another proposal that would allow the U.S. government to block shipments of chips to Huawei from foreign suppliers that use U.S. equipment, in a major blow to the blacklisted firm.

“Things have been put on my desk that have nothing to do with national security, including chip makers,” Trump said on Tuesday.

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